
The Compassion Project

When we are truly compassionate, we move from being concerned about an issue to take action in order to help fix it. Be a true agent of social change by choosing an issue that moves your heart, and moving toward a change in that area.

Plan for Social Change:

1. Choose one of the following issues:

2. Create a service project that will address your target issue. Include specific action items that you will take to create change. (Example: Food drive, feeding the homeless, toy dive, encouraging words, etc. )

3.  Organize the details and establish a specific way for individuals to help execute your plan.

4.  Share your plan on your social media platforms and/or the CIA Portal.

5.  Execute your compassion project and share photos of your success on your social media platforms and in the CIA Portal using the hashtags:  #CIACompassion  #CompassionProject